Friday 1 May 2015

The 2nd Swapified Plug and Go! (Options)

Welcome to the Second Swapified Plug and Go! Event!

Once again I would like to thank Regulos on deviantart who gave me this inspiration from one of her illustrations of 'Let's Play' body swapping option.

Similar to last time, but this time with a twist and more sinister theme and a few Easter Eggs. (Insert Evil laughter)

Congratulation's you have been selected to participate in the Plug and Go Event. Or rather a bunch of people in masked have kidnapped you and are playing a cruel game.

We apologize for dragging you in here, but you will not be leaving this event in your body. In stead we have 8 cables that are attached to 8 different bodies in 8 different rooms.

You will select one and that cable will be plugged into your device. Do not worry, all 8 of those ladies are, lets say... removed evicted from their bodies and are now vacant. All of them were farmed and you will be going home in one of them.

HOWEVER... There is one device that is connected to a body that we are selling in the Swapified auction. Should you be unlucky, you will be trapped within that body and will be sold off to the highest bidder.

We at Swapified will wish you the best of luck.

P.S Just like before please be honest and tell me the option you chose FIRST and the honest opinion of your new body.

Previous one can be found HERE 


  1. I chose option D. I liked it but was also upset to find in ur story that the body was about to be taken by the magic taxi, but then again it would allow me to swap with anyone I like when I drive them as long as I dont say the magic words to the wrong person.

  2. Sorry >< I was looking at the picture and was thinking... this ending is too positive and realised I haven't done a Magic Taxi in a while so I threw that in.

    Though you're right, on the plus side you can choose your next body ^^

  3. do you we have to send you a picture?

  4. I chose option H. Nothing like starting over and in the life of a cute girl who will probably grow into a beautiful woman. :)

    1. I glad you like your new body, I hope you take care of it ^^

  5. F! I love it, got it flaunt it right?

    1. This batch of stories were a bit nastier than the previous batch... I was worried people would be upset but i'm glad you liked it

    2. then how does it work i choose h

    3. I don't quite get what your trying to say.... but i have noticed a typo...

    4. how does the swapified pulg and go work?

  6. Replies
    1. Click on the link it should lead you to your new body.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dammit! I meant H, not G! H was the one I picked, not G!

    2. Do you enjoy your new body then?

  8. Oh damn I got E . So happy in my new cute little body!!
