Sunday 4 October 2015

October Options! Swapified Body Auction (Options)

“Welcome to the swapified auction! Today’s bid will be on the lovely bodies of School Girls who have *ahem* kindly donated their bodies to us. The highest bidder will have their consciousness transferred into the bodies of these school girls. You will then be allowed to walk away as one of these lovely girls. Wheel them in boys!”

A group of men dressed in a black T-Shirt and trousers came into the room wheeling a group of limp girls dressed in a simple long white T-Shirt, with a collar and name tag around their neck and a bag on their heads.

“As you can see their faces are obscured. You may touch and feel their bodies but you may not look at their faces and after that we shall proceed to the biddings.”

After inspecting the products you decided to place your bid on:


  1. You continue to be one of the most creative, interesting and incredible caption artists around Hikari :)

    1. Haha I thought that would be someone like TehSwitcher. I personally find myself to be too repetitive.

    2. Everyone is their own harshest critic I guess. XD

    3. I suppose that is true. I was also told I've been doing a tad to much evil/forceful body stealing stories.

    4. Which is right up my alley personally XD

    5. I do hope to broaden the diversity though these kind of stories are stuff I'm quite good at writing :)

  2. I chose Susan first, but my favs were a tie between Rachel ( because it would be nice to go from a grandma to that young little thing) and Ikki, because I have spent a lifetime as a white, blonde woman, and would like to know what it is like to be Japanese.

    1. I think a lot of people would like to become a young girl again ^^ experience a new life and culture would be pretty fun as well.

  3. Great seletion, I enjoyed the diversity

    1. Thank you ^^ I had 10 options since it is October.

  4. great story as always!
    but what happened to the girls that "donates" their bodyes?

    1. They were more stolen than donated. Swapifieds in my stories function differently from traditional writings of Swapifieds.

  5. Oh my, Elly is just wonderful. Very jealous of girls like her. Imagine with the right attitude you could get anything you wanted.
